Saturday, March 17, 2007



Kinman said...
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Kinman said...

wowzas.. sweet colors just in time for easter!

Jon Han said...

really beautiful.

Kenrick Leung said...

Really beautiful showing at scholarship. sorry i forgot to tell you earlier. This piece especially with all the layers.

William Fenholt said...

I really like this one. Good job.

jennifer m. lee said...

dude jess, post more,, please :)

Anonymous said...

you have some great color sense, design skills, and composition. on top of all that, you humble and sweet!

Anthony said...


I found your website via the blogs of several fellow animators. They seem to hold you in high esteem, and I can see why. I am a curating working on a show based on a 1972 Ed Ruscha drawing and I think your colour sense, and intensity of form would be a real asset. Could I email you a proposal?


Edmund Liang said...

i definitely look forward to your grad show. : )

Brian Huang said...

whats up :D

Felix Lim said...

juicy but soft! nicely done.